Presidente da Colômbia designa advogado para representá-lo contra acusação do filho

Nicolás Petro declarou perante as autoridades colombianas que a campanha presidencial de seu pai em 2022 recebeu dinheiro de origem duvidosa

Por JC

Grab taken from a handout video released by Colombia's Superior Council of the Judiciary, showing Nicolas Petro, son of Colombian President Gustavo Petro, attending a court hearing in Bogota on July 30, 2023, a day after being arrested on charges of money laundering and illicit enrichment. Nicolas Petro was arrested on July 29, 2023, on charges of money laundering and illicit enrichment in a scandal linked to his father's election campaign, officials said. In March, in an interview with the magazine Semana, Nicolas Petro's ex-wife Daysuris Vasquez alleged that he had received large amounts of money from drug traffickers and smugglers in 2022 for his father's ultimately successful presidential campaign. Vasquez was also charged with money laundering. (Photo by Consejo Superior de la Judicatura / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE LA JUDICATURA" - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS - RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE LA JUDICATURA" - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
O presidente da Colômbia, Gustavo Petro, anunciou nesta sexta-feira (4) que designou um advogado para representá-lo contra as acusações de suposta entrada de dinheiro de origem duvidosa em sua campanha eleitoral. Petro insistiu que, enquanto as investigações estiverem em andamento, ele continuará com suas atividades governamentais.